NEW podcast with @OutofTrenchespc
Don shares some rarely told personal stories about how he became an educator and spoke about the times he was in the trenches and how he managed to crawl out.
Listen to the podcast here. |
Listen to my interview on the Brad Shreffler Planning Period Podcast
Follow Brad on Twitter!
Welcome to Episode 144 of the Planning Period Podcast, part of the OnPodcastMedia Network. Don and I talk about interviewing and podcasting, how he runs his media production classes like a business, the importance of giving students real agency, the problems with the standardization of education, why all teachers should use video creation and media literacy skills with teachers, and how passion in teachers stays with students for a lifetime. |
Latest interview on the @coolcatteacher Vicki Davis podcast
During these uncertain times for schools and public education, teachers are dealing with a tremendous amount of challenges. They now have the heavy burden of working from home, teaching online and modifying grades and assignments.
In this episode you’ll hear…
“Teachers by nature are overachievers and will do and try everything that we can to make it work.” — Don Goble, The Classroom Matters Podcast Links to.. Don’s website. Don’s twitter page. |
Host Tracy Misner interviews Don to discuss advice for those first year video, broadcast, or film teachers, about creating a focus for your program, identifying what forms of videos your students will produce, receiving administration support, and not only surviving, but thriving, in those first three to five years running a program.
Run It Like You Own It - Don Goble Interview |
"They Teach That" podcast is hosted by Kevin Patterson, to offer insight, advice, and thoughtful discussion to scholastic broadcast programs across the country. In this episode, Kevin chats with Don about his approach to a problem many broadcast advisers may have, Don's belief in the importance of media literacy, and how we can engage students by enabling their creation of content. Click here to listen to the podcast.
You’ve heard the buzzwords…..media, technology, interactive, innovative, but what do they really mean and how can you use them effectively in a classroom setting? Teaching with innovation and technology is nothing new to the world of education, but are we truly doing it right? How is it possible for teachers to prepare students for future careers that don’t yet exist? Don Goble, award-winning speaker, author and multimedia educator sits down with host Kristy Houle from Educate.Today to discuss the true meaning of teaching technology and media in today’s classroom in an effort to prepare students for an ever-changing society and the technology that lives around us. Click the image or here to listen to the full podcast.
In this episode of The Suite Talk with host Kim Mattina, Don will go over various Apple video tools that can be used in the K-12 classroom.
Technology Specialist Don Goble has dedicated 18 years of his life to teaching broadcasting and production to students of all ages. Having worked in in both radio and television broadcasting, Mr. Goble brings a unique production with mobile devices to help educate the next generation of great journalists.
Listen to the Deep Dive Podcast with Padcaster here. |
WEP 0020: Digital Literary An Interview with Don Goble0
In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Don Goble about media literacy. Making movies and getting creative with sound, images, and movies can impact any classroom and every classroom. This is a wonderful interview with an amazing educator. Read more at The Wired Educator. |
What happens in classrooms is only a fraction of a child’s learning. Educators, professional media producers, and internet safety advocates all play a role in how children learn to be consumers, creators, and critical thinkers when on the internet. We will consider how they search and play, and what they see, make, and share online. Children’s identities encompass both digital and “real” worlds. Let’s look at all the ways children learn about the digital world and how we can help. Click HERE or on the image to hear the audio panel.
Connect with Kerry on Twitter @KerryHawk02 and see Bill's work with PBS and Ruff Ruffman. |
How do you help your students find their voice? For Don Goble it's the central goal of his entire career. On this @theedpodcast Don and host Shane discuss student voice, student media creation, and giving students opportunities to express themselves. Click here to listen to the podcast,